Most people associate a clean home with it being aesthetically pleasing, “tidy” and in order. When it comes to cleaning, one needs to ask onself an important question: should we focus on aesthetics or hygiene? Is it more important that your home looks clean or that it actually is clean? There is a balance to be maintained between creating an aesthetically pleasing environment and ensuring optimal hygiene.

Aesthetic cleaning: for the eyes

Aesthetic cleaning is about creating a clean and neat appearance in the home. It’s about organizing and arranging things in a visually pleasing way. It involves more about decoration and organization than cleaning.
When engaging in aesthetic cleaning, you may spend extra time and attention arranging furniture and decorative items, dusting surfaces, and ensuring everything looks tidy. It’s about creating a home that not only feels clean but also welcoming and harmonious. But is the home truly clean when it “looks and feels” clean?

Hygienic cleaning: for health

Hygienic cleaning, on the other hand, is about eliminating bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can pose a health risk. This involves focusing on cleaning surfaces, disinfecting certain areas as needed, and removing dirt that is not necessarily visible to the naked eye.
When engaging in hygienic cleaning, you may use cleaning agents and disinfectants to ensure surfaces are free from harmful microorganisms. This type of cleaning is particularly important for preventing the spread of diseases and maintaining a healthy environment, especially in kitchens and bathrooms where bacteria can easily multiply.

How does Luxurief view aesthetic vs. hygienic cleaning?

It is understandable that we associate an organized home with a clean home. At Luxurief, we focus on hygienic cleaning, something our cleaners are carefully trained in (including chemical technology and cleaning methods). Of course, you can add styling and organization to your customized cleaning schedule and specify how you want these elements performed at each or individual cleaning session.